Home Consciousness The Christmas Spirit Can Help You Ignite The Spark Within & Take The Leap Of Faith

The Christmas Spirit Can Help You Ignite The Spark Within & Take The Leap Of Faith

by consciousreminder
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by Conscious Reminder

Magic usually comes when we believe in traditions or stories which shaped the holidays we celebrate, whether they are Christmas, Yule, Hanukkah, or some other important holiday.

Adult people know that there is actually no a big man somewhere in the sky who breaks into their house in order to leave gifts or steal their cookies. However, they believe in the magical tales’ spirit.

Faith is often defined as the spark of hope which keeps people’s wonder in life and asks them to believe no matter of the circumstances. Regardless of our tradition, the one constant which exists is faith.

Here are the five common ways of igniting our faith during the holiday season:

1. See the good in every person.

When we look for flaws in other people, there will always be some, and when we search for a specific reason to stop loving someone or something, there is still going to be a solution in front of us. A person is not good or bad inherently, but every one of us has these two sides inside.

What matters is what we will choose to think or believe about others, or ourselves. When we see the good in every person, we are going to renew our faith. We should allow these people to show us their light and then look at their positive side.

2. See the light in ourselves.

First of all, we should renew the faith in ourselves with being gentle and kind to ourselves. We should believe in ourselves and think of our accomplishments, do everything that we are afraid of doing, as well as keep going ahead. We are much stronger than we believe.

We should ask ourselves what makes us unique, what set us apart, or what magic we actually carry inside ourselves. Once upon a time, we believed we were able to do anything. We should try to return that faith and belief, and permit it to also give us the strength we need.

3. Read stories related to holidays.

Reading some stories for Hanukkah or Christmas, or some ancient myths for Yule is going to create that warmness of recognition in our heart. Also, it is going to broaden our mind, and in that way, make us feel linked to our past rituals and traditions.

As the myths are quite mysterious, their mystery is going to spark our imagination, as well as fill us with admiration and wonder. Believing that the stories we read are real, it means they are. Also, if we find that they actually resonate with us, or that we have a profound connection with them, we should believe they are real.

4. Going to worship house or spiritual centers.

Religion or spirituality without faith does not exist. We are supposed to attend churches and also permit faith of other people to inspire us. The existence of religion is present as we believe that it exists – because, without any proof, we feel a profound connection to larger things than ourselves – things that connect every one of us.

A the time of the holiday season, the churches hold special, as well as traditional events or services like midnight mass, to which people come and also celebrate the real meaning and importance of Christmas. No matter what we believe or how we practice our beliefs, we should enjoy that with other people. We should lift our vibration with other people, so our faith will become stronger as well.

5. Try new and exciting things.

At the holiday season, gatherings or events will hardly ever occur according to plans. So, this may discourage us or our beliefs in ourselves. With trying some new things, we are going to test our faith in ourselves and also the energies that surround us.

With that, we are going to renew our sense of expectation and hope. Our heart, head, as well as the body will begin adapting to changes and will also create some space for different ways of being, thinking and also feeling.

There is a probability that we will face, as well as grow through specific challenges when we quit camping in our zone of comfort or exploring various avenues. We will have a better chance to believe in ourselves, in our capacity to respond to everything which comes in front of us.

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