Home Consciousness To Every Woman Who Has Ever Lost Herself To A Narcissistic Man

To Every Woman Who Has Ever Lost Herself To A Narcissistic Man

by consciousreminder
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by Conscious Reminder

Every girl probably loved some man so immensely, naively, and strongly that she believed she was the lucky one for finding him and that he would be her life partner forever. However, some girls may fall in love with the wrong person, despite firmly believing he was the true one.

So, this probably happened to every girl. Here, we will share the story of a girl who fell in love with the wrong guy, and after that, everything else seemed to slip away.

Also, after him, she heard of happiness only in stories, and she never felt it. But sadness was coming to her in waves. Because the emotions brought back my memories, she was overwhelmed.

For some time, she was wondering if she would have the ability to understand the real meaning of her life again. She asked if she would succeed in balancing her life once again or if she would have the ability to love someone for the rest of her life.

She explains that she was a happy woman and grateful for everything she had. She enjoyed life, smiling and laughing every single day, and going to bed with enthusiasm.

However, dating a narcissistic person profoundly transforms her. She was no longer even half the person she had been before dating him. Enthusiasm turned into fear, and happiness turned into anxiety.

For a while, she felt guilty for allowing him to transform her. She was not only ashamed of the person she had become, but she was also deeply embarrassed by the fact that she had allowed him to exploit her.

She trusted him because he was able to instill confidence in her. Also, he did his best to convince her that he guards her back and that he is right for her. He made constant promises, and she waited for him to keep them.

Moreover, he made her feel safe, like she could call him anytime to rescue her and he would come no matter what. For some time, she believed he had been her safe haven.

However, he was far from reaching that point. When she let her guard down, he managed to accomplish his mission, as she was completely unprotected from all those attacks, and she never felt that they would come one day.

She loved him with her whole heart, but he succeeded in making her the prisoner of her own love. She was with him because she believed he loved her too. She was always a believer in love. She even thought she had found her other soul, but he was not the right one.

She lost herself to a narcissist, and she stopped believing she was worthy or that she deserved love. Her self-worth and confidence disappeared. She let the selfishness of her partner be the winner, and she also permitted him to blame her for every single thing.

However, in the end, she succeeded in finding herself once again. She became her old self once again. And from all this, she received the most significant lesson in life.

She explains that she would have never allowed being manipulated her whole life. According to her, that would have been his victory, and she couldn’t allow that to happen.

She decided to pick herself up and start collecting her broken pieces one after another. Now, she is leaving her house with her head held high, as nothing bad happened to her.

He just walked over her so many times, so she had to demonstrate his way out of her life.

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