Home Consciousness Women, Remember This During The Mercury Retrograde Period

Women, Remember This During The Mercury Retrograde Period

by consciousreminder
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by Conscious Reminder

Mercury retrograde is something that will make you feel a bit doozy for some time. Communications will go haywire and your electronics will seem like they are going out of control.

Are you already feeling it? And if you are a woman, you would be quite anxious when such things start to take place all of a sudden. It will do well if you are prepared and know how these things are going to take place.

Mercury appears to be moving backwards during the retrograde period. Mercury Retrogrades are fairly common and happens 3-4 times every year. Remember, it appears to be moving backwards – it does not do so.

However, this retrograde period has a severe effect on our lives, as per astrologers. One of the main things that take place is that electronics start to malfunction.

There is also a touch of electrical issues that take place. The New York blackout – that’s proof enough.

But then, why are women most affected by it? Well, Mercury tends to mold our reality is a special way. It puts a kind of lens in front of our eyes which can help us to view the world in a slightly different way.

Mercury carries messages to and fro and is also known as a trickster. The messengers are naturally controlling our communication. But what most people tend to forget is that Mercury also has a feminine touch associated with it.

For women, it is time to relive their womanhood – their pride and beauty in their femininity. Mercury is the time when they will start to take care of their own selves and work to embrace their inner goddess.

It’s time for self-care to make them feel wholesome. Mercury retrograde makes you feel a bit nostalgic too. After all, it activates your sensual side and that makes you want to contact an ex you could never forget.

But remember, you are not thinking straight during the retrograde. Do not contact anyone right now – let the retrograde end before adopting any new path.

However, if you are just not feeling right and your inner voice is telling you to do it, then, it’s all your choice. But it’s probably Mercury and the Mercury retrograde that is influencing you.

Regarding communication, you might feel like you are blocked. You can’t express yourself properly, as well as you might want to. That’s Mercury trying to stop you and your communication channels.

But don’t take this notorious time at heart. Don’t think of it as a hindrance. Consider Mercury Retrograde a time where you need to slow down and reflect on yourself.

A world of opportunities is coming for you. Are you ready for it?

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