Home Consciousness What May’s Lunar Eclipse & Full Moon In Scorpio Actually Mean For You

What May’s Lunar Eclipse & Full Moon In Scorpio Actually Mean For You

by consciousreminder
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by Conscious Reminder

Those things in your life that you know you need to address? There will be no more running or hiding.

On May 5, 2023, the power of a lunar eclipse will be present. Lunar eclipses are full Moons that are supercharged by the presence of a solar eclipse. The magic of the April 19th solar eclipse continues with this lunar eclipse. It is also one of seven eclipses that will occur on the Taurus and Scorpio axis between November 2021 and October 2023.

A solar eclipse opens the door to new beginnings and change, whereas a lunar eclipse reveals energies that assist us in completing a journey or shifting our course in some way. Lunar eclipses are also far more emotionally charged than solar eclipses. They are more feminine in nature and have a greater impact on the emotional body. They assist us in feeling our intuition and honoring the knowledge we possess. We may not always follow this knowledge, but it is always present, attempting to guide us.

Eclipses are associated with significant periods of change and transformation. These changes, however, do not occur all at once. They may begin or continue their work during an eclipse, but their work continues throughout the period when eclipses occur in the same set of signs. That is, what happens during this eclipse could be a continuation of events that happened last fall or even last year at this time.

How a Lunar Eclipse Affects You

Lunar eclipses, like full Moons, reveal information. They reveal the truth in dramatic fashion and allow you to learn things that will change the course of your life.

It is critical to accept what a lunar eclipse reveals. You can’t fight knowledge. You can only take it in and ask yourself what the highest manifestation of this energy can be. Even if you are presented with unfavorable news or unexpected events, understand that these are the Universe’s way of directing your attention to a detour that will ultimately be the best course of action for your evolution. Allow yourself to be open to the information available on an eclipse and trust that it will arrive in your life at exactly the right time.

A lunar eclipse is an excellent time to make significant changes in your life. This could happen suddenly. Lunar eclipses have a way of bringing information to you out of nowhere. Some of the things you learn about others and yourself during a lunar eclipse may surprise or even catch you off guard. Not all of this data is negative. Some of it may provide you with motivation and inspiration to make changes in your life.

It’s also critical to understand that a lunar eclipse occurs to help you progress. It is a cosmic energetic push to pull you out of stagnant energies and old patterns. This forward motion can be stressful to your nervous system at times, and you may even resist it at first. On the lunar eclipse, there is no going back; there is only going forward. Clinging to energies that no longer serve your evolution will only lead to frustration and misalignment. If the lunar eclipse reveals something in your life that needs to be released, go about it in the least dramatic way possible.

The lunar eclipse and the month that follows provide an opportunity to disassociate from energies, emotions, and even people who are not serving your evolution. As you break through these, the emotional nature of a lunar eclipse can often cause an emotional breakdown. Allow yourself space and time to process the information revealed by the eclipse. Allow the energy to settle before making any decisions, and then make whatever moves are required to propel you forward.

These changes can be frightening and unsettling, but once you cross the bridge to another way of being, you will feel as if you have broken through a barrier that has been built between you and your highest visions. Eclipses are the perfect time to break down any barriers that are keeping you from reaching your full potential.

What the Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio Means for You

Magic is in the air when the lunar eclipse meets Scorpio. Scorpio is one of the zodiac’s most transformative signs. When combined with a lunar eclipse, this is a powerful time for revelation, change, and massive psychological breakthroughs.

Scorpio, ruled by water and Pluto, challenges us to confront our most primal emotions. Scorpio reminds us that we are magicians and healers in this way. We have the ability to transform any energy, emotion, or behavior. We have the ability to transform darkness into light and tension into relaxation. We can heal the most painful wounds and transform them into wisdom, and we can sail through any storm with ease.

Working with Scorpio energy requires a willingness to feel. This eclipse invites us to quiet our rational minds. It serves as a reminder that analyzing our emotions only serves to prolong them. To transform, we must feel, which requires slowing down, courageously looking inward, crying, and holding space for any energy to rise from our subconscious.

The lunar eclipse’s energy will affect everyone, and it will be intense. There will be no escaping the vibrations that this eclipse will bring to everyone on the planet. This eclipse’s intensity has the potential to bring about any transformation you require in your life right now. It may not feel particularly good at the time, but the change it brings eventually opens the door to your highest energetic potential.

Scorpio’s energy is intense because it forces us to confront the present moment. It asks us to come to a halt, let go of our distractions, and face our inner reality. Our masks are being ripped off in the red light of this lunar eclipse. This energy penetrates any exterior to get to the heart of the matter. We cannot lie to ourselves or be lied to during this eclipse.

It is a time of revelation, when our shadows emerge to be seen in the full moonlight. Our unprocessed emotions emerge to heal, our suppressed memories awaken, and it is clear how we project our wounds onto others. This revelation can elicit a wide range of emotional responses and may even make us feel as if we’ve entered a downward spiral of self-criticism. It is critical to understand that when shadows are revealed, it is best to accept and understand them. Our shadows emerge from the darkness to meet us in the light through love, compassion, and acceptance.

This lunar eclipse is a powerful time for shadow work and transformation. Everything begins with a willingness to look beneath the surface of your conscious mind and become acutely aware of who you are. Confronting what is happening right now is the first step toward transformation.

Taking an honest look at your unconscious tendencies can be difficult, uncomfortable, and downright nerve-racking. Scorpio, on the other hand, emphasizes that what lies beneath the surface is still controlling you, even if you aren’t aware of it. We are puppets, and the strings that pull us are our unconscious energies. You cut the strings and free yourself when you confront your deepest fears, triggers, beliefs, and conditioned patterns. You take charge of your life and your actions.

The Scorpio lunar eclipse’s work is to confront your shadows and reveal the truth of your soul. It’s frightening, intense, and full of raw emotions. It’s also extremely empowering and healing. This eclipse has come to remind you of your strength.

It takes courage and compassion to face your shadows. Remember to love all of your deeper layers as you move through them this eclipse. They are all a part of who you are and what your story is. To heal, they require love and acceptance. Shine a light on the hidden parts of yourself as you discover them. Recognize that you are only human. You are not perfect, and that is perfectly fine. Only by knowing your entire self can you reach your full potential.

Full Moon in Scorpio and Sun in Taurus

This eclipse, as we work with the power of Scorpio, we also work with the power of Taurus. Scorpio and Taurus are opposite each other in the sky and on the zodiac wheel. The Sun remains in Taurus while the Moon is in Scorpio.

Both Scorpio and Taurus want us to be completely immersed in the present moment. They ask us to put aside our worries about the future or our pain from the past and focus on the present moment. Taurus encourages us to connect with Mother Nature and find presence through our senses. Scorpio, on the other hand, asks us to connect with our inner world and let go of emotional reactions in order to find presence. Taurus, by connecting with the Earth, and Scorpio, by connecting with ourselves, both ask us to align with the rhythms of the Universe.

During this lunar eclipse, we have the opportunity to feel one with everything and realize that we are a part of the Universe’s magic. We can sense that we are made of the same energy as trees, oceans, mountains, and stars. We can experience the vastness of life and be inspired by our own strength.

While both Scorpio and Taurus connect us to the infinite rhythms of the Universe, they have different perspectives on resources. Scorpio is concerned with energetic resources such as time to transform, space to feel, and the courage to go inward. Taurus, on the other hand, focuses on tangible assets such as physical space to feel supported, external comforts to soothe, and body nourishment. Both of these signs provide us with tools to help us ground our energy, transform what we need through healing, and venture into uncharted territory. Both want us to feel powerful and connected to everything in the Universe. They each have a different strategy for getting us here.

This lunar eclipse provides excellent opportunities for shadow work, which assists us in understanding how we limit ourselves due to fear and insecurity. All of our unprocessed emotions, including those from childhood, are stored in our shadow. It serves as the foundation for our unconscious reactions. It also represents our deeper wounds, which forced us to store emotions that the conscious mind could not comprehend at the time. Our shadow operates in the background and frequently undermines our conscious efforts to manifest our dreams.

Looking at the lower frequencies of zodiac signs on the eclipse can help us understand our shadows. They can assist us in understanding how we may act on our shadows and bring to light unconscious patterns. The low sides of Scorpio and Taurus take us away from our power and place it outside of ourselves. The Scorpio eclipse allows us to examine our shadows, particularly those related to our self-worth, fear, inner reliance, and overall power.

We don’t allow ourselves to feel when we align with Scorpio’s dark side. We divert our attention to external concerns, which leads to anxiety and obsession. We also devise clever ways to avoid doing the internal work required to transform ourselves and our lives. We blame others, project our emotions onto them, and ignore our own internal cries for assistance. We avoid our deepest fears, wounds, and pain rather than facing them with courage. We also mistrust our intuition and seek validation of our self-worth from sources other than ourselves. We may be preoccupied with money, loved ones, and our place in the world.

We avoid our true feelings in this lower frequency of Scorpio, forgetting that they are a source of power and allowing them to control us subconsciously. They tug at our heartstrings and sabotage our plans to build our visions. They have the ability to make us feel helpless. Instead of owning our power, we become victims, believing that everything is being done to us and that we are powerless to stop it. This low, or shadow, side of ourselves can make us feel as if we don’t belong anywhere and are alone in the world. Without inner trust in ourselves, we may believe we have no rock to stand on and that the ground will give way at any moment. We are then triggered when security issues arise, exposing our shadow of feeling unsafe in the world.

We can also become trapped in a transformational loop, refusing to accept our own perfection. We may also seek the next step in our lives, never appreciating what we have already accomplished. This is the part of us that sabotage ourselves so that we can rebuild, transform, and do it better the next time. Scorpio is the rising Phoenix, but the Phoenix does not always need to rise. She simply needs to fly.

Taurus has a similar low side when it comes to resources. When we align with Taurus’s negative side, we feel insecure. We may become obsessed with material possessions and finances, believing that they define us. We lose sight of our ability to create abundance through inner reliance and creativity and instead look for it outside of ourselves. We drift away from stillness and peace, only to become preoccupied with a number in a bank account. We might even compete for resources, adopting a scarcity mindset and forgetting that abundance is all around us.

Taurus’ negative side is full of anxiety and worrying about the future. Instead of staying in the present, we look ahead, fearful that we will lose everything. We are triggered by others who appear to be successful, and we feel jealousy or envy. We forget that our most valuable resource, ourselves, can never be lost.

The negative aspects of both signs are about security, worth, and underlying fear. When we align with Taurus’ shadow side, we place all of our value on material possessions. When we align with Scorpios, we lose touch with our power and rely on others to tell us how valuable we are, often constantly changing ourselves to meet their expectations. Both low sides are unaware of their oneness with nature, and both struggle to stay grounded in their power from moment to moment.

It’s okay if you find yourself aligning with either of these low sides. You can see your own shadows. It is difficult to become aware of your shadow sides, but it is necessary if you are to shift them.

Your Invitation on the Lunar Eclipse and Full Moon in Scorpio

Pay attention to your feelings, intuition, and signs from the Universe during this eclipse. This energy will peak two days before the eclipse and last for two days afterwards.

The first step in dealing with these emotions is to sit quietly and allow yourself to feel. You can cry, journal, laugh, or go through a roller coaster of emotions, but feeling is the only way to get through. You must journey through the depths of your body and the stories you carry with you every day. You may or may not want to read them, but they are always available. It is best to take control of them so that they no longer control you.

Sit with your emotions and allow them to pass through you. Keep a journal to learn more. Ask yourself what you’re feeling and what that feeling teaches you about yourself. However, avoid distractions. Take note of your reactions and triggers. Take note of any times you are taken aback by a thought or feeling. Remember, this eclipse may reveal something crucial to your evolution, so pay attention.

Allow yourself time to process whatever is arising in your field and refrain from making any rash decisions at this time. This energy is part of a recurring pattern that will last the entire year. Allow your transformation to happen on its own. Be gentle with yourself and recognize that you are precisely where you need to be right now for your highest energetic evolution. Remember to be kind to others, as they are also experiencing these intense energies.

In working with this eclipse, consider whether you’ve become preoccupied with things outside of yourself in order to distract yourself from what’s within. Have you relied on others for security rather than owning your power? Have you ever felt obsessed with resources and doubted your ability to create abundance? Have you forgotten about your connection to the Universe?

Have compassion and courage as you examine some of the negative aspects of Taurus and Scorpio in yourself. This eclipse, release what you can and know that simply becoming aware of these energies is enough to be a catalyst for great transformation.

It all begins with your willingness to look deeply within yourself while remaining grounded in the present moment. Align with the Sun in Taurus to feel held by the Earth, and with the Moon to feel into the deepest parts of your soul and revel in the journey of discovering yourself.

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