On October 14, the Libra New Moon Solar Eclipse will occur. Because it is an Annular eclipse, the sun will be partially obscured, leaving only a ring of light visible. This ring of light is also known as the ring of fire.
Solar eclipses are always enchanting. They indicate a time of year when the veil is thin and we can feel more connected to the energies of our surroundings.
Solar eclipses are also thought to usher in karmic and fated events. They have the ability to open doors, create new pathways, and arouse new thoughts and ideas in us. They are regarded as portals for new beginnings and can help propel our lives in unexpected directions.
It is advised to keep our vibration strong and authentic during a Solar Eclipse. Instead of trying to take control or use this Eclipse to manifest, use its energy to surrender. Use it to enter a trusting environment. Use the mantra, “Everything is working out in my favor and for my highest good.”
Here is a ritual to help you navigate these energies and protect your sensitive aura from any harshness this Eclipse may bring. This ritual is best done between October 8-October 20, 2023, but it can be done at any time you feel called to do it.
Libra New Moon Solar Eclipse Ritual for Grounding and Balance
You Will Need:
- White Sage (or another cleansing tool of your choice)
- 2 crystals of your choosing
- 2 flowers of your choosing (can be fresh or dried)
- 2 leaves/fronds of your choosing (herbs or bay leaves work well too)
- One candle (any color is fine)
- Pen and paper
1. Begin by using sage to cleanse your aura and then your surroundings. You can repeat the following mantra or create your own while cleansing:
“I cleanse the energy so I may be balanced, I cleanse the energy so I may be calm, I cleanse the energy so I feel whole again.”
For this ritual, you may also want to invite your Spirit Guides and Guardian Angels to join you.
2. Place the ingredients for your ritual on a table or the floor in front of you. Place your candle in the center, followed by your crystals on either side of the candle. Hold one of your leaves and one of your flowers in each hand. (It makes no difference which hand)
3. Close your eyes and exhale 11 deep breaths. Ignore any thoughts that arise and focus solely on your breathing. Close your eyes and concentrate on whichever hand is holding the flower. Repeat the following three times:
“The beauty and aliveness of this flower helps to awaken me to my true path and my true calling.”
4. With your eyes still closed, direct all of your energy to the hand holding the leaf. Repeat the following three times:
“I am grounded like a tree, I am rooted in me, when I listen to my soul I know exactly where to go.”
5. Bring both hands together so now you are cupping both the leaf and the flower in both hands. Bring your hands in front of the candle and repeat:
“I know where to lay down my roots, I am now grounded in who I am meant to be. This brings me balance and harmony.”
6. Place the flower on top of the leaf (or the leaf on top of the flower–whichever works best) and both on one side of the candle, next to one of the crystals. Take your other leaf and flower and hold them in the opposite hands as before.
7. Close your eyes and consider a question for which you require assistance and direction. Perhaps you are unsure of how to achieve balance, or you are unsure of which direction you should take. Close your eyes and consider a question for which you require assistance and direction. Perhaps you are unsure of how to achieve balance, or you are unsure of which direction you should take. Once you have your question, begin by saying it aloud:
“Thank you for guiding me with…”
8. With eyes closed focus your attention onto the hand that is holding the flower. Repeat 3 times
“Please guide me to awaken so I may find my true path and true calling in relation to my question.”
Sit in silence and breathe deeply 10 times. See if any answers emerge. Don’t force it, just breathe.
9. Now, with eyes closed focus your attention on the hand that is holding the leaf. Repeat 3 times:
“Please guide me to feel connected in who I am, so I feel confident in how to handle and approach my question.”
Sit in silence and breathe deeply 10 times. See if any answers emerge. Again, don’t force anything just focus on your breath.
10. Now bring your hands together so both the leaf and the flower are cupped in your hands. Bring your hands in front of the candle and then repeat:
“The answer to my question has already been born, I am being guided as I walk towards it.”
11. Place the flower on top of the leaf on the opposite side of the candle. Looking at the table or floor in front of you, each side of the candle should have a crystal, flower, and leaf–the perfect balance!
12. Now, grab a pen and paper and jot down any thoughts or feelings that come to mind. Are you getting a better sense of the answer to your question? Believe that your question has been answered and that you are now simply walking towards the answer.
13. Blow out/snuff out your candle to end the ritual. Bury your flower and leaf arrangements in the ground. This represents the planting of “seeds” that will be “harvested” over the next few weeks. Bury them in a pot plant, garden, or park, or simply leave them out in nature. It is best to do this immediately following the ritual, but within two days is also acceptable.
14. Following this ritual, sleep with the crystals by your bedside for three nights.
Your ritual is now complete!
Solar Eclipse blessings to you!
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