Home Consciousness As If Halloween Weren’t Creepy Enough, Mercury Is Going Retrograde On The Same Day

As If Halloween Weren’t Creepy Enough, Mercury Is Going Retrograde On The Same Day

by consciousreminder
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by Conscious Reminder

Mercury Retrograde always gives us a scare. And when we see it residing in Halloween, it is quite obvious that we would be frightened.

But don’t worry, the effects won’t be as negative as we think them to be. Mercury will posit itself in Sagittarius, and keep Retrograding till the 20th of November.

As it is with all Mercury Retrogrades, our life would be put to test- life and the relationships we bring forward.

We might have to listen to some harsh truths, but we need to keep in mind that it is simply going to help us later.

This period truly elucidates the notion that the truth will set you free. You will be attuned to knowing more, sometimes to the point of obsession.

Armed with this knowledge, you might also let go of certain relationships which are toxic. In fact, while you may be surprised regarding the vehemence with which you let go of relationships, it is going to help you later.

Sit down with your partner and have a chat mano-a-mano. It is time your secrets were divulged to the other, especially the one where money is involved.

Make sure that both of you are on the same page so that you can steer the ship where you want it to go. If one of you keeps secrets then this Mercury Retrograde is going to illuminate it.

You have to put on a brave front this Retrograde. And while it doesn’t seem too complicated, it is going to be tough for you. You never really know how this might affect you in the future, so don’t let your fears come forward.

While it is quite unfortunate that Mercury conveniently turns Retrograde when we are in some complex times of our lives, it is always for the future. They help us grow, help us understand who we truly are, and what we truly want.

In the end, don’t spend all your time simply speaking your heart out. Establish connections with people and see how the period becomes less troublesome.

Since Halloween is a magical period, you might get enamored into things that you wouldn’t really want in the end.

So, don’t get trapped- steel your nerves and move within the mist. If possible, don’t open your eyes. Have courage in your heart and exude your will power for all to see.

No energy has the power to manipulate you, and you need to let the Universe know that.

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