Home Consciousness Making A Connection With The Energy Of Your Stones & Crystals

Making A Connection With The Energy Of Your Stones & Crystals

by consciousreminder
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by Conscious Reminder

The primary step for knowing how you can work with stones and crystals will be learning to sense their energy. There are a few ways in which you can open the paths of establishing communication between your crystal and you.

However, the most significant thing when it comes to working with stones and crystals would be to have personal experiences with stones and crystals.

In order to start a particular relationship with stones or crystals, you can start rubbing the hands together so that you can awaken the centers of energy in the hands.

In this way, you create a field of energy. You can even become conscious of certain sensations in the hands, and warmth or tingling may also arise.

After that, you should put the hands over your crystal or stone, or you can place it directly in the hands. Then, tune into its frequency and notice if any sensation is there that you can feel. What can you feel from the crystal? That the needed time in order to truly connect or tune into what you sense.

You can begin with the physical body. While you hold the crystal, think of the physical sensations which you pick up. Do you sometimes feel cold or hot, grounded or energized?

Is your heart beating faster or are you feeling lightheaded? You have to check how the physical body feels while you are still holding the stone.

Then, keep holding the stone, while you are tuning into emotional sensations which you can feel. Pay attention to how you actually feel on emotional level.

Do you sometimes feel excited or happy, grateful, calm, relaxed or sad? You have to pay attention to your feelings which you are still holding the stone.

The following step would be tuning into the mental state. So, what are your mental experiences? Are you feeling scattered? Do you experience mental clarity?

Can you feel the anxiety or stress melting away? You just have to tune into everything that happens and be in attendance with this experience for several minutes.

Right now, as you are having this information, or having these experiences with the crystal, you should see whether you may understand how this stone can be helpful for you in life. If this stone provided you with calmness and relaxation, it may be the perfect one you can utilize for relieving stress or sleeping.

Perhaps this stone provided you with awakening and excitement. This may be the ideal crystal you may utilize when you feel the need of being more productive or energized.

There will really be no wrong or right to the interpretations when it comes to using your stone. You should be your personal guide and believe in everything that comes towards you.

You can even hold the crystals at the Heart Center, listening for any message from it. Remember to thank your stone and also sent it some light and love for the connection it had with you.

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