Home Consciousness How to Use the 1/11 Portal Energy to Speed Up Your Manifestations

How to Use the 1/11 Portal Energy to Speed Up Your Manifestations

by consciousreminder
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by Conscious Reminder

January 11, 2024 is set to be a powerful day for you.

The 11th of January, also known as 1/11, is a date that I would like to introduce to you if you have not yet made any resolutions, or if you feel that you require a little encouragement to continue following them now that we are almost two weeks into the year 2024. Utilizing the power of angel number 111, today is a day that is full of power. Don’t throw away these positive energies!

Importance of 1/11

As the angel number 111, January 11 is represented by the numeral 1/11. May I ask what angel numbers are? Easy: Numbers conveyed to us by celestial beings, ancestors, the universe, etc. When you see the angel number 111, it’s a sign that things are looking up and that you’re ready to put the past in the past. Connecting with a higher level of consciousness and finding inspiration to start the next chapter in our lives are two of its functions. Today is a very lucky and successful day because of the strength of 1/11.

Astrology of 1/11

Because it falls on the same day as the first New Moon in 2024, January 11th is also a significant date in numerology and astrology. As with all New Moons, this one in Capricorn on January 11 heralds a new beginning, a chance to start over and achieve your dreams. Keep in mind that Neptune’s wildcard factor ensures that you will encounter surprises—hopefully pleasant ones! —as you journey. You are encouraged to fully embrace your dreams and ambitions for the New Year by the harmonious alignment of energies that prevail today.

You will be reminded of your inner strength during this New Moon. If you follow your heart and do what you want, you can achieve your true potential. Everything in the universe is conspiring to fulfill your wildest dreams! The moment has come to stop following the herd and start living your best life. Your current and future relationships, professional life, and sense of identity will all benefit from the chances that you are prepared to seize.

1/11 Manifestation

When you manifest, what should you specifically do? The whole shebang. You can now access the portal! When you think about angel number 1/11, the first thing that should enter your life is precisely that. The moment to release old energy and welcome new vibes has arrived if you wish to free yourself from stagnation. Here is your opportunity to thrive!

As a result of the New Moon in Capricorn, today is an excellent day to pursue professional objectives if you are seeking inspiration for manifestation. A new professional chapter awaits you, one in which you can put your strengths to good use. Absolutely! Today is also a fantastic day to give your love life some attention. Now is the perfect moment to let go of minor grievances and embrace love in your romantic life. Focus on building a stronger foundation as a couple if you’re already in a relationship. It is possible to attract a new romantic interest while you are single.

Best Time for Manifestation

If you want to get serious about achieving your dreams, January 11 is the day to do it. Any time of day is good to perform a manifestation ritual, but if your clock shows the number 111—either 1:11 a.m. or 1:11 p.m.—it’s a reminder to be extra careful on the path you’re about to take. Here is a chance for you to follow your dreams and become someone you’ve always dreamed of being.

1/11 Manifestation Ritual

Start with a white candle to represent a new beginning, and light a red one to represent your heart’s desires. Look into the fire. The next step, after you have a visual aid, is to determine your end goal. Your goal should typically be the first thing that pops into your head. Watching the candle burn can help you concentrate on devoting your energy to this objective.

1/11 Vision Board

Making a vision board to look at periodically throughout the year is another effective manifestation tool. Whether you’re using a real poster board or an app to create one, the key is to find words and images that represent your desired outcome. Then just stick them on your board where you’ll be sure to see them!

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