Home Consciousness If You Are An Empath Here Is How You Can Protect Yourself While You Sleep

If You Are An Empath Here Is How You Can Protect Yourself While You Sleep

by consciousreminder
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by Conscious Reminder

The night is dark, with stormy clouds hovering over us. The Sun keeps diminishing in its size, and as the boundaries between the material and the spiritual world decrease, spirits move about freely.

But this isn’t unique. We face this every single year at this point of time. For empaths and healers though, this is a point when self-care takes the front seat.

Humans are more attuned to the spiritual world at this point, and we are able to connect more freely to the myriad energies that traverse the boundaries between Earth and the spiritual world.

We are suffering from fear, devastation, cataclysmic catastrophes, and a general sense of discontent. These might not take place in your area of the world but still manage to affect you.

As a healer, it is your duty to help people when they are suffering, and as an empath, you can’t ignore the cries and the pleas for help.

But before you go out into the battlefield and fight, you need to take care of your own self. You need to make sure that you as a person can deal with the pain that it might bring over.

Although energy clearing and shielding is a must, that isn’t all. Humans are more susceptible whilst asleep to the many vibrations of energy that take place throughout.

When you are asleep, you can be visited by kindred or evil spirits, that might result in you having

1. Disturbed sleep

2. Dark dreams

3. Exhausted, fitful sleep

4. Panic-stricken when the night is young

5. Constantly getting plagued by problems

6. Feeling the accumulative fears of everyone around you

7. Feeling suffocated whilst asleep

To Help With All These, You Can

Energy Clearance

The more energy you clear, more of the harmful and lower vibes would get disturbed simply because the energy level is higher.

Your Own Energy Clearance

Different from the above, for here you are cleansing yourself off evil energy. For, if you are filled with the debris of forgotten and evil energy, your sleep would be fitful.

Moonstone Necklace

Such a necklace is going to prevent you from getting dark thoughts whilst asleep. For, this necklace channelizes the energy of the lunar goddesses and creates a diversion of light amidst complete darkness.

Meditation, With Your Soul As Your Centre

This means that you need to focus your soul on your center, so that it gets anchored to your center, preventing it from astral projections in sleep.


Crystals can help ground the energy. Put hematite under your feet which will help your energy and get it anchored into space. Also, you could put selenite under your pillow which would elevate the energy levels and prevent negative energy from getting in.

Essential Oils

Use essentials oils like citrus, cedar, lavender, rose, geranium, etc.,  before you sleep.


Always keep a prayer handy, and believe in what you are saying. For the more authoritative your voice becomes, the more you would be able to affirm to the higher angels that your sleep is going to be totally safe.

Dark times are ahead, be careful!

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