The second Mercury retrograde 2017 cycle starts on April 9 at 4° Taurus and ends on May 3 at 24° Aries.
Mercury retrograde April 2017 will cause some confusion and indecision about very serious matters. If problems with love or money are the issue then your options will be severely restricted.
You may be subject to intense pressure to choose between your heart and your mind. Mercury retrograde from April 9 to May 3 is not a good time for final decisions so hold out if you can. Mercury direct from May 3 to 20 brings clear insight and exciting new opportunities.
Before I go into more detail about Mercury retrograde 2017, I will talk about what it means to have Mercury retrograde in your natal chart then the general meaning of Mercury retrograde in transit.
Mercury Retrograde Meaning
Natal Mercury retrograde means there was a problem with how you thought and communicated in a previous life. Perhaps you gave someone bad advice that had critical repercussions, or were prone to making costly mistakes. Maybe you wrote slanderous material about someone in a book or newspaper, or verbally teased and abused people.
Whatever the circumstances of the previous significant incarnation, you come into this life with those bad memories etched in your soul. You probably don’t recognize them as memories but as déjà vu or unexplained guilt. Especially when young, there can be a repeating theme of challenging events related to your past.
The aim of Mercury retrograde in your birth chart is for you to perfect those areas of thought and communication which once let you down. As your communication skills improve with experience, your karmic debt will be repaid and you can get off the roundabout.
Mercury retrograde in your natal chart can show as learning difficulties, especially with reading, writing and comprehension. You may be a shy, quite person whose thoughts have turned inward. Hesitant to speak up for yourself, you may miss out on many opportunities in life. This difficulty in expressing yourself can make you feel awkward in company and lead to low self-esteem. You may experience teasing or verbal abuse, be nagged and criticized, or fall victim to slander and lies. Contracts may also cause problems and like so many things, lead to complications further down the track.
Mercury retrograde only last for about three weeks so Mercury is going to turn direct at some stage in your progressed chart (where one day equals one year). After a couple of years you will notice that your communication style improves and you can express yourself more freely. However, the opposite can also occur and someone with Mercury direct in their natal chart may experience progressed Mercury retrograde later in life. I experienced this from age 13 to 37 and it was very profound. I even stopped reading books.
If you have Mercury retrograde in your natal or progressed chart then you can expect to make more rapid progress during transits of Mercury retrograde.
Transiting Mercury retrograde is a regular cycle occurring three or four times a year for about 24 days. While this is more frequent than any other planet, Mercury is still only retrograde 19% of the time. This is far less than Jupiter outwards, but more than Venus and Mars.
The Mercury retrograde phase is just one part of the Mercury retrograde cycle. The whole cycle includes Mercury going direct, retrograde, and direct again over the same degrees, or the retrograde zone. The two direct phases are called the shadow periods.
Mercury retrograde is associated with communication and technology breakdowns, nervous anxiety, travel delays and lost items. There is a feel of a difficult Mercury–Saturn aspect about Mercury retrograde. You can also expect to dwell on things, reminisce about the past, or unexpectedly meet up with people from your past. While the Mercury retrograde period may be good for flicking through old photo albums, it is generally considered more of a nuisance than a benefit.
Mercury retrograde can play havoc with your thoughts, communications, travels and electronics. Take extra care with your words and try not to react too quickly in any arguments or if provoked. Take some time out if you start to feel overwhelmed by the hectic pace. Double-check all of your emails and posts on Facebook before hitting the send button.
Business negotiations will be in a state of flux during Mercury retrograde so avoid signing contracts. Some important details will not yet be available, and other parties may not be reliable or honest. If going on a road trip then make sure you get your car serviced beforehand.
The riskiest times for decision-making, negotiations, communication and transport are the few days either side of the exact retrograde and direct stations. However, care should still be taken during the whole retrograde period.
Mercury Retrograde April – May 2017
March 27, 2017, Mercury enters shadow zone at 24°15′ Aries.
From now until when Mercury stations retrograde is called the first shadow period. During this phase you will get an idea of the thinking, communication or transport issues that may be of concern during the retrograde phase.
April 9, 2017, Mercury stations retrograde at 4°50′ Taurus.
Stationary Mercury retrograde at 4°50′ Taurus makes only one significant aspect as shown in the chart below. Moon quincunx Mercury is the major influence on Mercury retrograde 2017. A weak trine to North Node and a fixed star conjunction add very little to the quincunx.
Moon quincunx Mercury creates some confusion around thinking and decision-making. The problem is knowing whether to trust your heart or your mind. Mercury is the rational mind while Moon is the emotional heart. This can show as hesitation, unreliability, confusion or disinterest.
If you feel balanced and not stressed about making a decision, you will naturally think with your head. An example of this Mercury decision-making process would be chosing between two apples to eat.
If you are emotionally attached to either option or feel pressured in some way, you are more likely to think with your heart. An example of this Moon decision-making process would be chosing a birthday present for your mother.
The trick is to take a little bit of this and a little bit of that. A balanced approach brings the best results. However, that’s easier said than done with Mercury retrograde. The chart below also reveals a number of challenging red aspects and more retrograde planets. These additional challenges reinforce the need to play it safe, especially in relationships.

Mercury Retrograde April 2017
Venus square Saturn reinforces the need to defer major decisions about your love life and finances. It can add stress to intimate relationships due to negative feelings, distance or other relationships problems. Most of these hindrances will stem from your own fears or criticisms, but you may face the same from others.
Venus retrograde means your love life enters a fated period. Giving and receiving love and affection becomes more difficult. Old friends or lovers may reappear or you may relive past life experiences in order to sort out karmic issues.
Saturn retrograde is a double dose of karma. If you have been bad in the past, then at a certain predestined time, an event will occur to teach you a lesson. If you been good in the past, then at a predestined time, an event will occur to reward you for your good deeds.
The T-Square aspect pattern involving Sun, Jupiter and Pluto indicates a lot of pressure being placed on you to make important decisions. Ego’s will be on the line leading to threats, intimidation and ruthless behavior.
Sun opposite Jupiter brings opportunities for success, good fortune and increased happiness. However, letting any good fortune go to your head can result in loss, embarrassment and a lowering of self-esteem.
Sun square Pluto increases your need to be in control, but can also lead to ego conflicts with powerful people or authority figures. A crisis or conflict makes for an intense experience or destructive behavior.
Jupiter square Pluto brings an intense drive to reach the top. Success, power and influence are all possible but without some care there will be a price to pay. Ruthless determination, greed and corruption may get you there quicker or make you richer but at what cost?
Mercury retrograde is already a risky time for making important decisions. The numerous challenges mentioned above increase the risk of making the wrong decision. Playing for extra time during Mercury retrograde 2017 is advised. At the very least, get a second opinion on any business negotiations, contacts, plans and most especially love relationships.
May 3, 2017, Mercury stations direct at 24°15′ Aries.
This second shadow period lasts until Mercury leaves the retrograde zone on May 20. Areas of life that were a major focus during the Mercury retrograde 2017 phase can now be worked on.
Mercury direct joins Uranus and forms a wonderful grand trine aspect pattern. The depressing life obstacles of Mercury retrograde can now be overcome, resolved or left behind.
Mercury conjunct Uranus stimulates your thinking and adds excitement to your daily interacts and routines. The electrifying influence on your brain makes this an ideal time for any mental or creative work requiring originality. Increased open-mindedness and intuition can lead to flashes of insight and breakthroughs.

Mercury Direct May 2017
Moon trine Saturn gives the patience and emotional strength to handle sensitive or difficult relationship issues. Others may come to you for advice on a personal issue or just for a shoulder to cry on. Traditional values and old habits can bring solutions to new problems.
Moon trine Mercury lets you see things clearly. Your feeling, intuitive side is balanced with your rational thought processes to give acute perceptive skills. You can read others easily and quickly assess any situation. Your are in touch with your own feelings to give sound judgement and decision-making skills.
Mercury trine Saturn is good for studying and catching up on your paperwork and bills. Sustained mental work will not seem so boring at usual. Good concentration and attention to detail means you will not make mistakes. You will get things done neatly and on time.
A grand trine requires conscious effort to unlock the good fortune held within. You cannot rely on lucky breaks to solve your problems. Higher self-awareness of your thought processes is required to let go of karmic baggage. Even if you made wrong choices during Mercury retrograde 2017, you can rapidly turn your life around for the better during Mercury direct.
May 20, 2017, Mercury leaves the shadow zone at 4°50′ Taurus to complete the second cycle of Mercury retrograde 2017.
Mercury Retrograde 2017 Dates
December 19, 2016 to January 8, 2017 – 28° Sagittarius to 15° Capricorn
April 9 to May 3, 2017 – 24° Aries to 4° Taurus
August 12 to September 5, 2017 – 28° Leo to 11° Virgo
December 3 to 22, 2017 – 13° to 29° Sagittarius
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