Home Consciousness Second Cancer New Moon, July 20th: Check If Your Ego Is Running The Show

Second Cancer New Moon, July 20th: Check If Your Ego Is Running The Show

by consciousreminder
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by Conscious Reminder

While the first Cancer New Moon of 2020 was the one on 21st June, bringing a Solar Eclipse, the next one will be rising on 20th July.

And as it goes with such events, we will feel the energies of the June New Moon continuing with the July Moon.

The Cancer Solar Eclipse was quite potent with its energy. While the July Moon won’t feel as strong, we will still feel the harsh and restrictive energy of this lumination.

On a global level, we are already quite restricted in many of our regular activities, but now it comes down to an individual level. Even our own habits and beliefs might seem restrictive now.

So this Cancer New Moon is a great time to be more aware of the beliefs that are stopping you from reaching your true potential.

We Are The Thorns

More often than we realize, it is us who is standing in our way. A small habit we can’t let go of, a fear holding us back, a nagging voice of doubt questioning every step- very minor at first, but they end up controlling our lives. They limit our minds, and they limit us.

The feminine energy of the Moon rising in the watery sign of Cancer will guide us to align ourselves. Unless we are aligned with our highest self, unless we reach that supreme power, we will keep worrying about mundane things.

We will constantly live in fear of what will come next. But once we are aligned with the Divine, our faith increases. We know the Universe is looking out for us, and hence we stop worrying. This alignment helps us realize that what is ours will come back to us.

With the Divine alignment comes surrender. We stop trying to control the things we can’t, and we focus on connecting with our true north. The one that will guide us even when we feel lost and abandoned. In order to achieve this alignment, we have to release our ego.

Saturn And The Cancer New Moon

One of the reasons why this Cancer New Moon will seem rather restrictive is that Saturn will be directly opposite the Moon on the New Moon night.

The planet is currently Retrograde in Capricorn, but as the New Moon approaches, its power will be felt more prominently. A more positive way of approaching this restrictive feeling is to think of it as a time for grounding and reflection. Think of ways you can become more responsible for your life.

The restlessness we feel now can be channelized by grounding. And the best way to get back to the roots is to reconnect with nature. Learn the value of the present moment. Walk barefoot on the road, feel the texture of the grass, lean back on a tree. Such activities let you reconnect with the electromagnetic field of the earth, which reestablishes balance within you.

The Cancer New Moon will remind us that despite the many changes and struggles we have been facing this year, we need to find ways to make things work out for us. We need to align ourselves with the energies around us, instead of working against them. Surrender yourself and let Divine intelligence guide you through this chaos.

We have the energy within to face our problems alone, but the Cancer energy will ask us to connect with others and create a safe space. Cancer craves the security of family life, which does not always mean blood relations.

Anyone who makes you feel warm, safe, and loved can be your family. Take the opportunity now to set intentions under the Cancer Moon. Think of what you desire for your home and family life, and they will soon manifest!

Since we are already spending so much time at home, why not fill it with positive energy? Create a peaceful setting around you. Find the peace within, and it will overflow outwards.

So the Cancer New Moon will bring some restrictive energies at first, but if we can cope with it by grounding ourselves, we will reach a new level of personal comfort.

Great new things await us with the new Moon cycle. Are you ready for it?

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